Commodore 64 for MEGA65 is a port
of MiSTer's core for the MEGA65. Experience the Commodore 64
with great accuracy and sublime compatibility on your MEGA65! See it in action in
YouTube videos (choose Videos called "MEGA65 C64 Core Demostream" from the playlist). Here is the
release trailer of the most recent
version 5 of the core.
This port is a co-production with MJoergen.
The website Alternative MEGA65 Cores
strives to be a complete list of all available alternative MEGA65
cores including some helpful info of what these cores actually are and how you can use or even create them.
ZX-Uno @ MEGA65 is a fully fledged
ZX Spectrum 48k and 128k running as an FPGA core on the MEGA65. It is a
port of the great ZX-Uno. The ZX-Uno @ MEGA65 core is
stable and has been released, but nevertheless here is the historic
pre-alpha teaser video on YouTube.
is a 16-bit computer system build as a fully-fledged system-on-a-chip in VHDL on a FPGA.
Try it online here.
This project a co-production with vaxman,
where I am mainly doing the hardware parts (VHDL, FPGA) and vaxman is mainly responsible the
software parts (assembler, emulator, monitor/operating system).
QNICE-FPGA is based on vaxman's original QNICE CPU
instruction set architecture.
DM65PIC is the Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) for
the MEGA65 retro computer. I did the firmware for doubleflash's custom
hardware that supports original Commodore 65 (prototype) keyboards as well as Commodore 64 keyboards. Watch the demo video
TeleBall is an Arduino based retro handheld game console,
that features BreakOut (single player) and Tennis for Two (multiplayer via radio). The device is fully custom made, including
a 3D printed case and a custom PCB. See it in action in some videos on the
project page and learn how to build your own TeleBall.
a super fancy interactive realtime fluid simulation for gfx fans, VJs and demo coders.
Done in C++ and GLSL. Follow
this link to see some screenshots and to download the executable for Mac OSX or Windows. Sources are also
OSX port and multiplatform release of 0.4.1 of JustBurn's enhanced
asm48 based on DaveHo's
original version from 2003. In the meantime asm48 (including our improved release 0.4.1) is
also avalable on Dave Ho's GitHub.